--An Orphan No More--


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Half-Birthday Everlyn Grace!!!

Today, sweet Miss Everlyn is 2.5 years old!

We hope she is having a great day, but I doubt anyone "over there" is celebrating the 2.5 years of her life today. But we are! The kids and I plan to bake cupcakes today in her honor. :o) And we will sing happy half-birthday to her too....

God willing, this is last half-birthday she will have without a family...without a mommy and a daddy, a sister and three brothers...without birthday cakes and balloons and gifts.... We cannot wait to celebrate her THIRD birthday with her..at home...in the US. And don't you worry....there will be plenty of cake, and balloons, and gifts!!!

Happy Half-Birthday Sweet Girl! We love you and hope to see you soon!


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